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Important Economic and Trade Laws & Regulations in Macao Important Economic and Trade Laws & Regulations in Macao

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1. «Commercial Code»
This is a legal regime that regulates commercial enterprises, commercial entrepreneurs, commercial activities, negotiable instruments, as well as the different kinds of commercial contracts.

2. «Commercial Registration Code»
This is a legal regime that regulates commercial enterprises, facts related to commercial entrepreneurs, registration of companies and firms, procedures, effects and attribution of registration as well as the impugnation of acts of registration.

3. Law no. 7/2003 «Foreign Trade Law»
This is a legal regime that regulates foreign trade operations, the importation and exportation of merchandise in Macao; requests for respective licenses, as well as respective infractions and crimes.

4. Decree-Law no. 97/99/M «Industrial Property Code»
This is a legal regime that regulates the attribution of industrial property rights for inventions, other innovations and distinctive characteristics stipulated in the Code which are entitled to the relevant protection.

5. Decree-Law no. 43/99/M «Copyright Code»
This is a legal regime that regulates the protection and use of the content under copyright; different types of works, as well as criminal act and administrative infractions.

6. Decree-Law no. 51/99/M «Commercial and Industrial Activities Related to Computer Programs, Phonograms and Videograms»
This is a legal regime that regulates the commercial activities and reproduction industries of originals and copies of computer programs, phonograms and videograms. This decree-law establishes limitations on legal behaviors when using necessary raw materials and general equipment for the reproduction process, and also supervises the trading markets of compact discs.