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Home   >  CEPA News and Publication   >  Photo Collection on CEPA Events  >  Signing Ceremonies of CEPA

Signing ceremony of the Agreement Concerning Amendment to the CEPA Agreement on Trade in Services Signing ceremony of the CEPA Investment Agreement and Ecotech Agreement The signing ceremony of Agreement on Trade in Services under the framework of CEPA -1
The signing ceremony of Agreement on Trade in Services under the framework of CEPA -2 The signing ceremony of Agreement on Trade in Services under the framework of CEPA -3 The signing ceremony of the Agreement between the Mainland and Macao on Achieving Basic Liberalization of Trade in Services in Guangdong under the framework of CEPA-2
The signing ceremony of the Agreement between the Mainland and Macao on Achieving Basic Liberalization of Trade in Services in Guangdong under the framework of CEPA-1 The signing ceremony of Supplement X-1 The signing ceremony of Supplement X-2


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